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Boeings First Operational Crew Mission

Canadian Astronaut Joshua Kutryk Set to Fly on Boeing Starliner-1 Mission to ISS

Boeing's First Operational Crew Mission

Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronaut Joshua Kutryk is set to become the next Canadian to fly to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of Boeing's Starliner-1 mission, also known as Post Certification Mission-1 (PCM-1).

Mission Details

Starliner-1 is the first operational mission of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft to the ISS. The mission is planned to launch on May 6 with a crew of NASA astronauts, marking Boeing's first-ever astronaut mission to the station.

Starliner-1's launch will follow the successful completion of NASA's Boeing Crew Flight Test (CFT), which demonstrated the spacecraft's ability to safely transport astronauts to and from the ISS.

Joshua Kutryk's Role

CSA astronaut Joshua Kutryk will serve as a mission specialist on Starliner-1, making him the second Canadian to fly on a commercial spacecraft to the ISS. Kutryk will be responsible for operating the spacecraft's systems and conducting scientific experiments.

His selection for this mission highlights Canada's continued involvement in human spaceflight and its commitment to international cooperation in space exploration.


The upcoming Boeing Starliner-1 mission marks a significant milestone for commercial spaceflight and Canada's role in human space exploration. Joshua Kutryk's involvement as a mission specialist showcases the country's capabilities and its future in space.

As we eagerly await the launch of Starliner-1, we cannot help but be inspired by the dedication and achievements of those who are making this historic mission possible.
